
Articles and Blogs

“A golden age of worldwide expansion is possible. Making it happen will require thinking big, deciding wisely and acting boldly

⁘  Carlota Perez 

Closing words in Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital

What Is AI’s Place in History?

Project Syndicate

11 March 2024

The Digital-Green Nexus is a Win-Win for the Planet and the Economy

Perez, C. and Lema, R. (2023). In Diplomatic Courier. Nov. pp. 54-56

30 November 2023

A long delayed golden age: or why has the ICT ‘installation period’ lasted so long?

Blog for IIPP/Medium. Three reasons are in the nature of the revolution and three are due to the context:  China and decoupled global finance are the main ones

14 June 2022

A Message of Hope in Turbulent Times

Blog for IIPP/Medium based on my talk for the EU in the Cohesion Forum: A description of the current moment in the diffusion of the ICT revolution, why it’s precisely the moment to change and what to do for Europe to lead in getting to better times

March 2022

“It's time for a smart, green, fair and global golden age of the information society”

Article in preparation to participate in the “Great Minds” discussion of the 25th UNCTAD-CSTD meeting, on March 28th.

22 March 2022

“A sustainable golden age could lie ahead”

Economist Intelligence Unit.

“Using the history of technological revolutions to understand the present and shape the future”

Article for the Progressive Post Magazine of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS).

"The Golden Age at our Doorsteps"

Article with Andrés Schäfer for the book Faster than the Future by the Digital Future Society, Barcelona.

04 February

“Digital and green: a very convenient marriage”

A blog in my The Social Shaping of Technological Revolutions project webpage.

02 November

"Imagining a good life in a green and fair society: You must visualise the future in order to shape it!”

Blog for the Deep Transitions Project website.

27 July

“The Post-Covid 19 crisis as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”

A blog in my The Social Shaping of Technological Revolutions project webpage.

25 July

“The (possible) positive consequences of the economic collapse precipitated by the pandemic”

A blog in my The Social Shaping of Technological Revolutions project webpage.

17 March

“Why everybody –including business– should support the Green New Deal”

A blog in my The Social Shaping of Technological Revolutions project webpage.

17 March

‘An opportunity for ethical capitalism that comes once in a century’

Article for the UNCTAD website.

10 May

‘Smart green’ technology is the path to follow

Op-ed in the Financial Times

18 November

“From a casino economy to a New Golden Age: Carlota Pérez at Drucker Forum 2017”

Presentation at the Global Drucker Forum, published by Steve Denning in his Forbes column.

17 November

Why it’s time to bring back –and modernize– government

Blog for the Global Drucker Forum 2017 where I spoke

17 November

Technological Revolutions and Political Choices

A Better Life with a Healthy Planet: Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions in Shell Scenarios

01 May

“Notes about the possible occurrence of socio-political paradigm shifts with each technological revolution”

A blog in my The Social Shaping of Technological Revolutions project webpage.


The tech bubble is pumped, but not ready to burst

Luke Dormehl in Wired Magazine, UK.

03 June

How to forward a new Golden Age FT Alphaville

Guest post in dialogue with Andy Haldane at the launch of the Mission Oriented Finance event, organised by Mariana Mazzucato.

22 July

The New Technological Revolution

Presentation at the Technology Frontiers Forum of The Economist

05 March

“Next step requires we be bold and imaginative”

Letter to the FT on the stagnation debate

07 February

Technological revolutions and the role of government in unleashing golden ages

Article on receiving the Kondratiev medal in Moscow 2012
Published in Grinin, Devezas, and Korotayev (eds.) Kondratieff Waves. Uchitel. Pp. 211-218.


Why IT and the green economy are the real answer to the financial crisis.

Green Alliance.

19 March

Reforming finance for a new era economy.

Institute for Public Policy Research.

11 April

Fight Of The Titans: in debate about the high prices being paid for the technology start-ups

The European Magazine.

26 May

The Advance of Technology and Major Bubble Collapses: Historical Regularities and Lessons for Today.

Engelsberg Seminar on “The future of capitalism Ax:son Foundation”, Sweden.

01 June


Long-Run Economic Transformation After the Crisis: Technology, globalisation and the environment

Presentation at the OME International Foresight Forum Barcelona

01 October

After the Crisis: Creative Construction Growth alter the Meltdown: "How to make the economic crisis creative”

Open Democracy

03 May

Respecialize to lift all boats: A primer on the global redistribution of market segments.

CISCO Thought leaders

Thoughts on the Web 2.0 collapse (just before the 2008 crash)

Notes for Brad Stone. BITS in the NY Times.

17 October

The lessons we have learned about technology and development.

Oral presentation at the UNCTAD X First High-Level Round Table Trade and Development: Directions for the Twenty-First Century, Bangkok.

12 February