
As regards the relationship between technology, the economy and society, Carlota Perez is one of the world’s most innovative researchers“                                  

Manuel Castells

Emeritus Professor at the University of California, Berkeley and Universitat Oberta of Catalunya

Carlota Perez has made several highly original contributions to the understanding of long-term technological transformations and the way in which such changes interact with wider economic, social and political changes

Christopher Freeman 2002

Emeritus Professor of SPRU, University of Sussex, UK

On The Board

1. Talks

Carlota Perez – Alice Amsden 2024 Memorial Lecture

Changing Windows of Opportunity and the Rise of the Rest. APORDE Johannesburg. 03 September 2024

Carlota Perez on World Agility Forum

Why governments must also modernize in order to shape the information revolution and provide directionality towards a smart, green, fair and global golden age. September 2023

Carlota Perez: A 10 minute panel presentation about the Limits to Growth debate in the 1970s and now

Questioning “Degrowth” as the solution to climate change. March 2023

itSMF Conference Norway

Carlota Perez:

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  • 00:00 Intro
  • 03:51 TITLE: Shaping the digital revolution towards smart, green, fair, and global growth
  • 06:24 Outline
  • 07:05 Five technological revolutions; four golden ages
  • 21:07 How can we unleash a golden age now?
  • 28:30 The role of government in providing direction for synergy
  • 38:53 The role of lifestyle changes in paradigm transitions
  • 54:24 Questions

EU 8th COHESION Forum 2022

Carlota Perez: A message of hope in turbulent times. March 2022

Carlota Perez on how many revolutions, how to define them and why it matters. Webinar for MOIN-IIPP and the Beyond 4.0 project. February 2022 

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  • 00:00 Intro by Tamsin Murray Leach The issue in the context of the Beyond 4.0 Project
  • 08:51 Lecture by Carlota Perez: Rejecting technological Determinism – The policy shaping of innovation towards green and inclusive economies
  • 09:28 Which revolution 2nd 4th or 5th? Why does it matter?
  • 14:24 The historical pattern identified by the Neo-Schumpeterians
  • 18:34 The policy tools for financial and government shaping
  • 27:55 Can we get to a smart, green, fair and global golden age?
  • 31:44 Q1: Can different roles for governments and markets be clearly differentiated in each period?
  • 34:14 Q2: What should be the role of academia?
  • 35:40 Q3: Can we reduce high consumption to reach green? What about degrowth?
  • 41:10 Q4: How to tackle lock-in factors that lead to path dependence?
  • 42:31 Q5: How would you reconcile the cartel-friendly system of the German tradition with the need for creative destruction of market competition?
  • 44:43 Q6: Property brings security. If we transition to a rental economy, how do we stop it leading to greater inequality?
  • 46:41 Q7: How do we achieve the green transition on time when all big companies prioritise shareholder value?
  • 47:43 Q8: What type of new institutions do we need that suit the current paradigm?
  • 50:47 Q9: What do you say to those who hold that this time it’s different; that the information revolution is not the same as the previous ones?

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2. Panels

A crucial moment for shaping a better future at the Digital Capitalism Congress 2021 organised in Berlin

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In the Digital Capitalism Congress organised in Berlin by the FES Competence Centre on the Future of Work I shared a panel with Evgeny Morozov. I held that we are at a crucial moment for shaping a better future, at the confluence of three critical junctures: post-Covid reconstruction, the climate emergency and giving direction to the wayward information revolution. Hence, it’s time to revitalize and modernize governments to engage in five major tasks. Among them is the opportunity to seize the global leadership in a new green ‘European way of life’. You can watch the whole panel in English or in German.

The green economy is not only about renewable energy, it will also require dematerialisation though an intelligent and thrifty use of materials …

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In this panel chaired by Dan Hill and organised by IIPP UCL, Saskia Sassen, Tanushri Shukra and I give initial presentations and discuss the issue. Watch my presentation: Materials sustainability and the need for wide-ranging political support.
Watch the whole event.

Panel for the EU Research and Innovation DG on “An all-inclusive recovery for a stronger Europe” 

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I was in a panel with Kate Raworth (Doughnut economics), Sandrine Decleve (Co-President of the Club of Rome). Stephanie Kelton (Modern Monetary Theory), Mariana Mazzucato (IIPP and Entrepreneurial State) and Mariya Gabriel (EU Commissioner for Science and Innovation). I argued that to succeed with sustainability we need to marry ICT and green and that the best way to save the economy was to save the planet.

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3. Interviews

On technological revolutions and capitalism

Interview by Erik Cederrwall & Sachin Gandhi for their Luminary Podcast.

The new key role of education in the ICT revolution and what should be done about it

Interview by Tim Logan of Future Learning Design Podcast, 

Mik Kersten, the author of Project to Product, interviewed me for his podcast MIK+ONE about my reasons for optimism in these turbulent times …

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I discussed how I see both lifestyles and public policies changing to make the best of the ICT revolution.

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4. Latest Publications

A long delayed golden age: or why has the ICT ‘installation period’ lasted so long? ...

Blog for IIPP/Medium. Three reasons are in the nature of the revolution and three are due to the context: China and decoupled global finance are the main ones.

The turning of the tide is being accelerated by the realities revealed by the pandemic ...

… Andres Schafer, a Venezuelan journalist, and I are writing a series of blogs for IIPP (Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose) where I am an honorary Professor. They are published in Medium. We are covering “Smart, green, fair and global growth” in the context of the post-pandemic world
1. After the pandemic: Smart, green, fair (and healthy) global growth
2. SMART and GREEN: The green taming of the smart shrew: Coupling digital with the environment
3. FAIR: Times of greed; times of fairness
4. GLOBAL: Is full global development the silver bullet?
5. GROWTH: (Forthcoming)

The Golden Age at our Doorsteps is an article I wrote with Andrés Schäfer, for the book ...

Faster than the Future by the Digital Future Society of Barcelona. In five acts, we unfold the story of capitalism driven by successive waves of technology until we reach the turning point of the Covid pandemic. Where have we come from? Where are we headed? The digital revolution is ready to be deployed and, with adequate policies and directionality, could lead us to a new era of global, digital, green and socially fair prosperity. The question is how. And that is what we tried to answer.
You can also download our article here
And the whole book here

The post-Covid reconstruction resembles other crucial moments in history ...

… In my article for the Progressive Post Magazine: “Using the history of technological revolutions to understand the present and shape the future”. I write about how to shape the digital revolution rising to the challenge in the era of climate change and inequality A bold sustainable win-win game between business and society is the way for social democracy to defeat the populist tide.

See More Publications …

5. Latest Teaching

In October 19 and 26 I gave two lectures on technical change to the students of the master’s ...

… in public administration in the IIPP-UCL (Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose in the University College London) founded and directed by Mariana Mazzucato. Thirty-five students from several countries. A very interesting and interested group. I enjoyed the seminars on the 20th and 27th. A few weeks later I had a meeting (equally virtual) with the seven Latin Americans. We had a good discussion.

This September (2020) I gave my semester course in two weeks “Techno-Economic Paradigms ...

… and Technological Transitions”. It was designed for the master’s degree students on “Technology Governance and Digital Transformation” of the Ragnar Nurkse Institute at TalTech, Estonia, but it’s open to all TalTech master’s students, mostly engineers. I had 64 fantastic participants this time, all very active and imaginative. I was exhausted with the four-hour plus session in the evening (and so were they!) but that’s the creative way that the Nurkse has found to bring teachers from abroad, one after the other for two weeks each. Great solution! Among the teachers in the intensive teaching scheme are Erik Reinert, Wolfgang Drechsler, Jan Kregel and Vasilis Kostakis.

In March and April 2020, I gave my regular lectures to the master’s students of ...

… the Institute of development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex. This time over internet, with 36 students from all ovr the world, listening, discussing and doing online workshops. I mainly argued that technological revolutions make opportunities for development a moving target and that the current opportunity with the ICT revolution may be more favourable to developing countries than mass production. Among other things, natural resources plus technology is a new available option.

The historical role of organised labour and protest movements in shaping capitalism and technology ...

A few days before the lockdown on March 2nd 2020, during the University strike, I have a talk about “the historical role of organised labour and protest movements in shaping capitalism and technology” at IIPP-UCL

In December 2019, I lectured to undergraduates in Economics at Brighton University ...

about how the information revolution opens possibilities for an environmentally and socially sustainable future.


A documentary about the financial crises ...

When Bubbles Burst. A Norwegian documentary about  the 2008 financial collapse, combining the idea of technological revolutions with the reality of the financial bubbles and crashes that inevitably accompany them. Traveling across the world, several witnesses, victims and economists are interviewed (including me).

See trailer

A documentary about Schumpeter ...

… with the participation of many neo-Schumpeterian economists, including myself. Schumpeter, the Man Who Discovered Capitalism



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