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Talks, Panels, Interviews and Podcasts, Teaching, Publications

1. More Talks

In the Annual MapCamp event, I gave a talk in the Green transition section about why digital and green go together

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Simon Wardley the creator of the Wardley Mapping method for management, invited me to the annual MapCamp event. I gave a talk in the Green transition section about why digital and green go together.

And here’s the link to the whole panel with Andra Sonea and Adrian Cockcroft.

Designing the transition: From consumerism to sustainable ways of living. Annual Lecture, Utrecht University. September 2021

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● Index:

00:00:00 Marcia Luyten – Moderator
00:01:20 Joost de Laat – Director Centre for Global Challenges
00:05:57 Johan Schot – Prof. of Global History and Sustainability Transitions
00:08:58 Carlota Perez
00:09:00 Introduction and title
00:11:45 Five technological revolutions; four golden ages
00:23:25 The socio-political shaping of technologies
00:28:06 Why smart and green together?
00:30:42 Why fair and global?
00:33:27 Why growth? Which growth?
00:37:25 Q&A
00:37:44 Does the sequence hold in every case? (long installation)
00:43:14 Will the powerful and rich elites and shareholders give up their positions?
00:45:36 Will the post-Covid recovery mean going back to business as usual?
00:50:29 What social pressure would be needed now to help push the transformation
00:54:16 What do you see as the greatest problem to be faced in the golden age?
00:59:01 Will we need a new set of global institutions?
01:01:21 What do you mean by satisfaction (as opposed to comfort)?
01:04:57 Is bitcoin comfort or satisfaction?
01:06:17 What is your view of the role of social media?
01:08:44 Will African governments be interested or engaged in the golden age?

Using The History of Technological Revolutions to help us understand the present and shape the future

The beginning of the 21st Century has been a time of turmoil and anxiety. But the history of past technological revolutions can shed a light on what is happening today …

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My talk: USING THE HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTIONS to help us understand the present and shape the future was the keynote for an event of the European Social Democrats in Amsterdam (Sept. 5, 2020). Here, I answered five big questions: What can we learn from technological revolutions? Why is there so much populism now? Why did we move to extreme free market ideas? What have social democrats been doing and why doesn’t it work? And why move towards smart green fair and global growth?. The technology for the webinar did not work very well, so the YouTube video has many mute parts and glitches. You can find the program here and the whole video here

Technological Revolutions and the shape of tomorrow

The future is not always the continuation of the recent past, but we can learn from recurring patterns …

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This is a presentation for Baillie Gifford, the Scottish long term investors. The talk lasts one hour, covering: (1) the difficulty of predicting the future (2) getting help from recurring past patterns (3) asking where we are now in such patterns (4) how to shape the future by shaping the direction of the new technologies and, finally, (5) the role of the Covid-19 crisis in opening new possibilities.

Technological Opportunities and a Dynamic Post-Covid future for Latin America

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Opportunities for development are a moving target. I talked about Technological Opportunities and a Dynamic Post-Covid future for Latin America at Oxford University.

It was the inaugural lecture of the 2020/21 academic year. My proposal here is to combine technology, natural resources and social inclusion taking advantage of the new technological and market potential.

Towards smart, green, fair and global growth: Learning from the history of technological revolutions

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I gave a talk in the annual event of Otto Scharmer’s (U-theory) GAIA group. I mainly wanted to share optimism about a good future after Covid, while emphasizing that digital is an essential part of going green and that to be fair nationally and globally we need growth, but of a green and human centred type and not based on wasteful mass production.

The session was chaired by Otto Scharmer and the other talk was by Sandrine Dixson-Declève, the co-president of the Club of Rome, who also gave an optimistic message about policies moving towards sustainability. The whole session can be watched here

The Social Shaping of Technological Revolutions: Blockchain and AI in the Information Age

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In May 2020, in the midst of the pandemic lockdown I gave a talk in the virtual Consensus event of the blockchain and cryptocurrency crowd. My goal was to clarify a confusion about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, which are often associated with my theory about technological revolutions, bubbles and golden ages. I basically argued that there is a major difference between a revolutionary technology (like artificial intelligence or blockchain) and a technological revolution, which involves many successive revolutionary technologies and technology systems, such as the mass production revolution in the 20th century and information technology now. I also suggested that, in the necessary process of modernizing government such technologies could play a key role.

After the talk there was a discussion with Chris Burniske, the author of Cryptoassets, chaired by Zack Seward of Coindesk.

And finally there was a Q&A session

Not an easy task. I was in the lion’s den.

For more talks and videos go here

2. More Panels

Conversation with Stelvia Matos, Head of the Centre for Social Innovation Management at Surrey Business School

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On Nov 12, We discussed the shaping of the Post-Covid future on two levels. I presented the macro-historical point of view and Stelvia, the view from the very poor areas in the developing world, specifically the Brazilian favelas. Radical redesign for sustainability through entrepreneurship and innovation.

Welfare 5.0: Why we need a social revolution and how to make it happen

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Hilary Cottam presented her powerful report on Welfare 5.0 referring to the social revolution that has to accompany a potential golden age based on the information revolution. It was chaired by Mariana Mazzucato, the Director of IIPP, and commented on by Anne-Marie Slaughter (CEO New America), Imandeep Kaur (Director of Civic Square) and me. I referred to how Hilary’s proposals came from the wisdom of experience and why the time was ripe for putting them to practice. But no matter how appropriate the safety net, society needs to be fairer to begin with, so that welfare policies only have to care for a decreasing minority.

For more panels go here

3. More Interviews and Podcasts

Corona can lead to a golden age

Interview by Roel Verrycken from the Belgian business daily De Tijd

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I gave an interview to Roel Verrycken of the Belgian business daily De TijdCorona can lead to a golden age. They tell me it was the most widely read for three whole days. People are looking for new directions, which is what I tried to signal there. You will need Google Translate because It’s in Dutch 😉 It was also published in French here.

The Basic Income Podcast

Technological Economic Cycles, feat. Carlota Perez

Technological Economic Cycles, feat. Carlota Perez

An interview by Owen Poindexter where I give my reasons to favour Universal Basic Income

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I essentially argue that technological revolutions radically change the nature and conditions of work and they therefore require welfare revolutions and institutional innovations. And, to be consistent, those who think giving something for nothing is harmful for people should also be against inheritance.

For more interviews and podcasts go here

2. More Teaching


The historical role of organised labour and protest movements in shaping capitalism and technology

A few days before the lockdown on March 2nd 2020, during the University strike, I have a talk about “the historical role of organised labour and protest movements in shaping capitalism and technology” at IIPP-UCL.

In December 2019, I lectured to undergraduates in Economics at Brighton University about how the information revolution opens possibilities for an environmentally and socially sustainable future.

Capitalism, Technology and a Green Global Golden Age: Role of History in Helping to Shape the Future

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In April 2019, I gave the final lecture of the IIPP Course on Rethinking Capitalism: Lecture 10: Capitalism, technology and innovation. After nine brilliant lectures by well-known economists questioning the various aspects of orthodox economic thinking about capitalism, it was my turn to look to a possible sustainable future. You can watch the whole series here.

2. More Publications

Digital and green: a very convenient marriage

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Another blog in my page on the Beyond the Tech Revolution project Digital and green: a very convenient marriage. I basically argue that we need to move towards green with the help of the digital revolution and give some examples of what that could look like

Imagining a good life in a green and fair society: You must visualise the future in order to shape it!

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I wrote a blog for the Deep Transitions project (@DTransitions2) about why we need to imagine the future in order to shape it, but also why it must be based on the technological and innovative potential at hand (in this case ICT). “Imagining a good life in a green and fair society: You must visualise the future in order to shape it!”

The Post-Covid 19 crisis as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

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I put up a new blog in my BTTR project page about “The Post-Covid 19 crisis as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”. It is basically a further discussion of the one I put up in March, noting that a consensus is growing about making the reconstruction a renewal in a socially and environmentally sustainable direction.


I contributed a chapter titled ‘Transitioning to Smart Green Growth: Lessons from History’ for the Handbook on Green Growth, edited by Roger Fouquet (Elgar 2019). Here’s the Working Paper

An opportunity for ethical capitalism that comes once in a century

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I wrote a blog for UNCTAD titled “An opportunity for ethical capitalism that comes once in a century”. It refers to how midway along the diffusion of each technological revolution society gets a chance to actively shape the new technologies with a social purpose in mind. A global sustainable golden age is a real possibility and the chance to shape it is now.

Why it’s time to bring back –and modernize– government

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The Peter Drucker Forum blog published an article I wrote about
“Why it’s time to bring back –and modernize– government”.

For more publications go here