Project Manager and Researcher
Tamsin Murray Leach
Tamsin Murray Leach has been the research officer for The Social Shaping of Technological Revolutions since the beginning of the project. She is currently an Honorary Research Fellow and PhD candidate at the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP). She has worked both in the commercial and academic sectors as a writer, editor and researcher. Prior to joining UCL she was a researcher, book editor and project manager in the Global Civil Society unit at the London School of Economics and Political Science, where she holds an MSc (with distinction) in Human Rights. As a journalist, she contributed regularly to the national press. Her PhD research combines intellectual history, political economy, and critical theory to interrogate the concept of productivity within economics.
Her key concern is with the changing narratives of economic theory, and their application in policy-making today. Other areas of interest within this lens include aspects of the ‘social compact’ (such as welfare and taxation) across different techno-economic paradigms; the role of activist politics in techno-economic transitions; and the reification of Western economic concepts despite the real-world social relations that result in numerous other models.
Selected Publications
As author:
Deel, S. and Murray Leach, T., (2015) ‘Political Blockage and the Absence of Europe: Subterranean Politics in London’, in Kaldor, M. and Selchow, S. (eds.) Subterranean Politics in Europe. Chapter 7. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
As editor:
Perez, C. and Mazzucato, M., (2015 ) ‘Innovation as Growth Policy: the challenge for Europe’ in Fagerberg, J., S. Laestadius and B. Martin (eds.) The Triple Challenge for Europe: Development, Climate Change and Governance. Chapter 9. Oxford: Oxford University Press [chapter editor]
(also released as SPRU Working Paper series, No. 13, 2014: 2014-13_SWPS_Mazzucato-Perez.pdf (1.2mb))
Kaldor, M. and Selchow, S. (eds.) (2015) Subterranean Politics in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan [managing editor]
Kaldor, M., Moore, H.L. and Selchow, S. (eds) (2012) Global Civil Society 2012: Ten Years of Critical Reflection, Palgrave MacMillan [managing editor]